President Bola Tinubu has highlighted the transformative potential of the Lagos-Calabar Coastal Highway, asserting that it will enhance access to production and marketing centers for 30 million people.

Speaking during the flag-off ceremony for the 700km highway project and several others marking his first year in office, Tinubu outlined the manifold benefits of the coastal road. He emphasized that beyond its construction phase, the project would generate direct and indirect employment, open economic opportunities, and spur community development.

“On the next 10 benefits of the Lagos-Calabar coastal highway; during the period of construction, the road will provide direct employment for thousands of people, and indirect employment for tens of thousands of politicians and more. Economic opportunity for millions is being opened.

“It will fast-track the community’s development, It will bring development closer to the people, and give 30 million people improved access to production and marketing centres. You can easily predict a journey, vertically and go along the horizontal line and do the definition of free movement of people”, he said.

Acknowledging the criticisms and challenges faced by the project, including concerns about property demolition, Tinubu reassured affected stakeholders of the government’s commitment to provide compensation and support. He underscored the importance of the highway as a symbol of hope, unity, and prosperity for Nigerians.

Tinubu also highlighted the safety, sustainability, and social responsibility aspects of the project, calling for collaboration among stakeholders to ensure its success and long-term impact. He commended the Minister of Works and other stakeholders for their dedication to the project’s realization.

He appealed, “I further crave the understanding of the general public, especially those whose properties and sources of livelihood will be impacted by this iconic project. We all make some sacrifices to enable our country to grow.

“However, be rest assured that this government is a compassionate government that cares for you and will do the utmost to offer succour, by way of compensation.”

Furthermore, Tinubu underscored the broader significance of the highway, linking it to regional connectivity, economic growth, and national development. He emphasized the project’s role in fostering trade, boosting tourism, and creating new opportunities across the country.

He said “This project is more than just a road – it is a symbol of hope, unity, and prosperity. It will connect our communities in nine states, foster trade and commerce, boost tourism, and create new opportunities for generations to come.

“A similar road in Ireland, called the Wild Atlantic Way, 2,600km long is expected to fetch 3bn euros a year in tourism revenues.

In conclusion, Tinubu expressed his gratitude to all those involved in the project’s initiation and pledged to ensure its successful completion, heralding a new era of progress and prosperity for Nigeria.

“I want to express my gratitude to the team of engineers, workers, and stakeholders who have worked tirelessly to bring us to this point. Your dedication and expertise are the driving force behind the take-off of this project”, he said.


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