Dr. Tanko Yunusa, the new Interim National Cordinator of the Obidient Movement, has written to Obidients and Nigerians at large, seeking for genuine reconciliation and unity of purpose.

The new Obidient Movement cordinator, in a letter titled, “One Voice, One Vision: The Call for Collective Action on the Mission to Birth a New Nigeria”, charged the Obidients to continue the push for a new Nigeria, calling for understanding and genuine reconciliation as a result of polarization in the rank of the Obidients. 

The ‘Statement of Reconciliation and Unity for the Movement’, he noted, is focused on “healing, reconciliation, and renewal, channeling our collective passion and energy towards building an inclusive, fair, and united movement.”

The letter read; “Dear Obidients and Active Citizens,

“Following the active engagement and discussion on September 2, 2024, on the X Space platform of the Obidient Movement, where we gathered at 7:00 PM West Africa Time, a New Nigeria Agenda was formally announced by His Excellency Peter Obi, the champion and leader of our movement, introduced a political structure for the Obidient Movement, marking a historic moment in our journey.

“Together we are embarking on a path to build a movement that speaks with one voice, is formidable, and operates in a coordinated manner at all levels in our country —from the federal to the state and local governments. This is the beginning of a new era for us, a time to strengthen our movement with a singular vision: to birth a New Nigeria that works for everyone.”

A New Era of Unity and Coordination & Harnessing Our Collective Power

“Our movement stands at a critical juncture where we must become more efficient in managing our diverse factions, interests, worldviews, and leadership dynamics. We recognize that personal agendas and differences have sometimes led to division. Moving forward, we will proactively design frameworks and systems that allow our diversity to remain our strength.”

Healing the Wounds of the Past

“I want to seize this auspicious moment to express my utmost appreciation to everyone who used their resources to support us during and after the elections, contributing to the birth of what we now have as the Obidient Movement and the emergence of its leadership.

“As we take this bold step forward, we must acknowledge the grievances and feelings of disenfranchisement that have emerged within our ranks. We sincerely apologize for these grievances and recognize that they are real and valid.”

A Call for Unity and a Shared Vision

“Despite our differences, we believe that we can work together if we are united by a common purpose and vision. This requires a clear set of rules of engagement, underpinned by respect, tolerance and understanding, and bound by the principles of the 5 Cs: Character, Competence, Capacity, Consistency, and Compassion.”

The Way Forward

As we move ahead, we must focus on healing, reconciliation and renewal, channeling our collective passion and energy towards building an inclusive, fair, and united movement. Our diversity is a strength and we need to strategically engage and collaborate to create the new Nigeria we envision.

“To achieve this, we have started consultations to finalize our operational structure. We encourage everyone to participate actively in this process and return to their wards to begin mobilization, supported by a formal online registration across the Federation.

“Thank you for your commitment. Let us move forward together with renewed vigor and a shared purpose.”

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