Political activist, Aisha Yesufu, has criticised the Nigerian Labour Congress (NLC) and the Trade Union Congress (TUC) for suspending the indefinite nationwide strike without securing tangible gains for workers.

In a passionate video message, Yesufu expressed her dismay at the labour unions’ decision to suspend the strike, which had paralysed public offices and institutions across the country since Monday.

She lamented that the strike’s disruption had yielded no meaningful outcome, leaving many Nigerians suffering.

She stated: “Yes, you made everyone miss their flights, and people couldn’t travel. But what did you achieve?” Yesufu questioned.

“You haven’t even reached a proper agreement, so what are you suspending the strike for? Many people are suffering.”

The activist also slammed the current minimum wage, calling it “crazy” and inadequate to cover basic needs like food and shelter, “how can someone earn just N60,000 per month? It’s not as if you’re providing food and shelter,” she emphasized.

She said: “You have made everybody miss their flights to change everything and people could not travel.

“At least when you do all of these things, at the end of the day, if something comes out of you, you will know that your sacrifice was not in vain. But when you do this and nothing comes out, what is the essence?

“People have continued to say that they don’t trust labour and I was even saying they should give the union a chance.

“You have not even reached a proper agreement so what are you suspending for? A lot of people are suffering. This minimum wage, how can someone be earning like 60k in a month? It is really crazy it’s not as if you are providing the person with food and shelter.

“They signed an agreement yesterday and there is nothing there. I’m just wondering whether they signed the agreement under duress.”


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