Sir Keir Starmer has addressed the nation for the first time as Prime Minister, assuring that his government will serve the people.

Sir Keir entered Downing Street amidst a crowd of cheering Labour supporters waving Union, Welsh, and Scottish flags.

He began his address by acknowledging his predecessor, Rishi Sunak, commending him for his achievement as the first British Asian Prime Minister and recognizing the “extra effort” required for such a milestone.

“The country has voted decisively for change, for national renewal and the return of politics to public service,” Sir Keir declared.

He spoke about the public’s disengagement with politics, citing the growing gap between the sacrifices made by people and the service they receive from politicians.

Sir Keir reached out to voters who did not support the Labour Party, assuring them that his government would serve everyone.

“My government will serve you. Politics can be a force for good – we will show that,” he said.

Addressing concerns about the future, he stated, “If I asked you now whether you believed that Britain will be better for your children, I know too many of you will say no – and so my government will fight until you believe again.”

He invited all citizens to join his “government of service” in the mission of national renewal, concluding his speech with, “Our work is urgent and we begin it today,” to resounding cheers from the crowd.

Before his speech, Sir Keir walked along Downing Street, greeting his supporters.

Earlier, he met with the King at Buckingham Palace following Rishi Sunak’s resignation after the Conservatives’ worst-ever general election result.

Sir Keir Starmer now takes over as the first Labour Prime Minister in 14 years and the seventh in the party’s history.


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